Putting a few thousand older tasting notes on CellarTracker

This is not exposed in our classic site, but our desktop site (now 7 years old) has a sort dropdown for the tasting notes on the wine detail page.

EDIT: Although I am only seeing NEWEST/OLDEST as sort options. In fact, looking at it, I see that it is already sorted by tasting note and not date posted.

In the list views, the default sort is order posted, and there you can click to sort by tasting date.

I’m not on classic, and the ‘newest/oldest’ is what made me assume it was by posting date and not tasting date.

You can buy sheet feed scanners fairly cheaply these days. They would make short work of scanning and OCRing your typed notes. I’ve got a Fujitsu ScanSnap, but there are lots of other options available. We have gone completely paperless so we use the sheet feed scanner almost daily.

Thank you Brian- I will look into that. For now I am just going to do the 1,000 or so that I downloaded from eBob, but there are far more for down the road- and my current scanner won’t do the trick.

Also- Drew, wanted to thank you for your kind offer. Unfortunately (for me now anyway), a lot of my TNs include current commentary on other critical reviews etc- and I need to edit that out in the interests of presenting a basic neutral TN. A few not-so-innocent dinner companions may also not want their antics memorialized. So as part of this process I am going to have to do a good bit of editing.