New records for DRC empties - Beware

Agreed that e-bay sales probably do not make up the entire empty bottle market. However Soren and others’ posts in this thread are still a service; they’re educational and a record of empty bottles sold with serial numbers only serves to hinder counterfeiting, I would think.

Alain, yes it has to be the restaurants that supplies. They have this constant flow of expensive bottles being emptied.

It is not a new theory, I know from previous threads (Rudy), that several observations were made, where dodgy persons were seen going through restaurant containers, at night time (not looking for food).
-And how Rudy, at occasions, asked directly for the rare empties, to bring home, after their wild wine events.

The real scammers do not use eBay. They make deals with restaurant employees directly, -nothing to see here…

So when eBay publicly shows there is juicy action in this field, One can only wonder, how big this industry really is, under the surface.


If it seems to good to be true, it usually is (something I’m trying to each my kids these days . . .).

€1000.00 so far

The same seller, and bottle.
The first sale (started this thread) was obviously cancelled, when buyer realized it was empty…
This time He added extra info about it being empty. But the headline still reads “2004 Romanee-Conti DRC Burgundy, condition new”.

It must be people believing it’s a full bottle, that are bidding to these heights.

But empties are very important in the faking-business, and this one will be recirculated in the future, I think.


Wow, I can only image what this guy is going to get for all of these.

Or this girl, with Her lifesavings in empties…
empty stash.jpg
(actually it’s 4000 bottles, all worthless.)


This I find almost genius… sell fake empties to those that might very well use the empties to create filled fakes… is he actually a hero in disguise?

The seller of the empty 2004 RC, and 1998 Rich. -hasn’t sold any yet.
All sales cancelled.
But He’s at it again, and finally, He writes “EMPTY” in the headline.
Maybe the biddings will be more realistic now. Bid at €10.50 (+€60 postage), 6 days to go.


nice price

But it comes with a corck!

Hang on a minute, she’s Danish isn’t she? That means the 4000 bottles are just the normal monthly drop-off at the recycling bins. [berserker.gif]

Peter Pocklington, the previous disgraced owner of the Edmonton Oilers. used to drink such high-end Burgundy. Wonder what he did with all his empties!!

-Please notice the seller is open for negotiation (what a nice guy!)…

Another eBay seller has cheap DRC Richebourg '01(2x) or '09 at fixed price : €50/empty. (No korc!)

Sadly, it’s not a crime to sell glass bottles, or old labels…


must have simply a good refill? service;

Thanks Roman, I hadn’t seen that clip before (maybe as kid). Fine acting.

Made Me think of the “Dinner for two” , 90’th Birthday. A must see every New Year.
11 minutes of brave butlering.
If someone hasn’t seen this short black/white gem, please find 11min. and use them on this:
