New NYC sale/trade Group

How about a link? I just searched under groups and under pages. No luck.

Lets try this:

I can make anyone an admin as necessary.

Can you make me an admin? Tks Cary


For those not on facebook, any chance it could be a sub forum here or is that non-kosher?

Interested as well

For those not on FB, the first offer, I think, a case of Mondavi Reserve 1985 for $1100.

I just joined the Facebook group. I live in NJ but work in NYC.

In on this!

Thanks very much for setting up the FB page! Awesome.

I may be completely missing the point, as from my perspective I may be missing some essential element,
however, just a thought, a friend of mine is one of the leading “Fine Wine Traders” co. in N.Y. and he told me recently with recent new shipping restrictions he is thinking he may be forced to close down. He has a web based business (he doesn’t know I’m doing this so I will not mention his name for now) and he has a huge collection of the fine wines of the world at very attractive prices.
Unlike businesses like mine that have licenses that allow all kinds of shipping he does not have that flexibility, would it make sense for your group to invite any trading co’s like that who are facing harsh new realities with the new shipping restrictions?

Or is the point that it is more a ‘barter’ group ? As I say, being in the business my view point is obviously off…

Have a happy holiday for all