'Nduja & Wine

You are correcto! For some reason I received The Rosengarten’s Report (Vol 11. Issue 1 Dec 15 2014) in the mail (which I find fascinating, as he states he has found 3 American Importers of Italian Food that tower above the others: Gustiamo, Manicaretti, and Ritrovo). I just went to the site and clicked on Tuttocalabria and it took me to the Nduja at:

It’s in Italian:

He states it is $5.69 for a 6.3oz jar; $50.99 for a 12 item case. “Rosengarten Report readers can send their orders to Sabrina@russofoodmarket.com, and receive a 10% discount for orders over $25.00.” Somehow he came upon this, and loves the Nduja Sauce. He has not yet tried any of the other products from Tutto Calabria which are made in Calabria.

Made a 'Nduja Risotto last night that was absolutely killer. Sofritto made w/ Spicy Turkey Fat (leftover from making Christmas Smoked Turkey stock),
and Spicy Turkey broth. 'Nduja & Crema and more dried Calabria hot pepper added at the end & cooked briefly. The best from Northern & Southern Italy.
Alas…couldn’t pick up the flavor of the ground pig eyeballs in it.

Not sure I want a case of them.