More from the Guy Fieri Evil Empire........

Proof please.

I just love the “make him normal” photoshops…

And Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Guilty pleasure. The rest (including his all chrome yellow car collection), not so much.

The thing that is cool about DDD is that he gives free publicity to little mom & pop restaurants around the country. Some of them are doing nice things in the kitchen and it’s good to see them get some recognition. But he always has to put on an act; he has to make some lame joke or such. I would like that show a lot more with a lot less schtick.


While I would also like it more with less schtick I think that really sells it for many people. And given the good that he’s done for so many small restaurants I’m happy he’s doing it even if I personally usually flip past the channel. Not every show is made for me (something which the vast majority of the country should be grateful for).

Are you sure it is free publicity? I have always had a suspicion that there is an element of pay for play in these type of shows. Same goes for that Rachel Ray travel show, etc. Though never really cared enough to fact check one way or another.

I was waiting for this…very predictable. I think the show was called Guy’s Big Bite (maybe something else where he cooks in his backyard outdoor kitchen), but it’s a typical cooking show format. He cooks, narrates, minimal shtick. No, Jorge, I didn’t personally eat what he cooked on the shows, but I cook a lot and can tell when someone has kitchen chops. While his restaurants and outward persona are all about over-the-top stuff, odd recipes and strange mish-mash dishes, he can dial it down and actually cook.

In theory so can Paula Dean but it is all just shit loaded with mayo and “processed cheese foods”


Brandon, no slight on you whatsoever. But anyone who uses the terms above in a non-ironic way as part of their business doesn’t really pass the smell test in my book. Plus, no man over 30 should bleach his goddamned hair. Ha!

I’m not going to convince either of you, so I’m not going to try. Watch the show if you’re so inclined…which I imagine you’re not at all…and decide after that.

WTF? I sound like I’m a Guy Fieri apologist! I hate being put in the position of defending something or someone about whom I made a passing comment about not hating. Sheesh…

Brandon- I hear you- but the guy took a massive dump in his own pool of credibility- You can’t blame people choosing not to swim in it.

The bleach in his hair can’t disinfect the massive dump?

That’d make a great Halloween costume.

I watch his shows DDD and Grocery Games. Mindless entertainment. Whatever…

that’s a great line scott. did you take it from somewhere or is that all you?

Thanks! I think all me- barring any devious work of the sub conscious mind.

I understand the Food Network has changed it’s name to ‘Chopped’.

Cool story, regardless of your thoughts on Fieri.

A good friend of mine lives just north of Santa Rosa, and knows GF very well from their sons playing on the same sports teams. He’s personally interacted with GF on numerous occasions, both locally and when they travel for their kids’ tournaments. Says GF is a regular, down to earth, friendly dad with the kids and the other parents. GF is also extremely accommodating with fans who want a handshake, hug, picture opp and/or autograph. He’s also well known for donating his time, money and support for many fundraisers in the area.

GF was recently a guest on the “Sporkful” podcast, and he was great. He acknowledges part of his shtick his marketing, but he also owns it (“You want me to call Donkey Sauce ‘Aioli’, then fine it’s just Aioli”). He also went deep on an extensive treatise on pasta, on which he was very knowledgeable. I do think as a “pop chef” in the mold of Rachel Ray or Giadi, he should be doing more for nutrition education rather than pushing marshmallow pizza, but he seems like more than just a huckster.

Actually, I’ll admit to watching Grocery Games once in awhile. I find his shtick works better for me in that format.