Mongeard Mugneret Kosher?

This is a very detailed article about what makes wine kosher. You could answer the question in the first three paragraphs, all the rest is commentary…

Ditto. Also, any other solid daily drinker priced kosher wines? I’ve had plenty of plonk in the $20 range that would hardly hold a candle to the $4 bottles from Trader Joe’s. Its quite embarrassing really

Neal, the main winery I work with is called Domaine Roses Camille (Pomerol), and their other estate wine from a “younger” vineyard (50-60yrs) Echo Roses Camille. The Champagne is from Bonnet Ponson and the St Emilion is from Chateau La Clide. These are available on as well as other big sites on the internetz (Wally’s in LA, etc.)

Thanks Andrew.

This is always a tough one in kosher. Many people like the $7 Terrenal kosher wines from Trader Joe’s but I strongly dislike them. I just had some Riesling from Hagafen (Napa) that was very nice. In fact, all of their Rieslings are good, and they also make a Sauv Blanc in the same price zone. There are also some QPR Roses from Elvi Encina, Bellerives Dubois, and Borgo Reale. For red wine, you could get by with Baron Herzog Cabernet or Ramon Cardova Rioja as crowdpleasers. The next level up would be Chateau Cantalaudette, maybe a Herzog Variations Cab, or Capcanes Peraj Petita.

When I comes to buying Kosher wines for Passover (a chore that is left to me, the only Gentile married into a Jewish family) my go to wine is Spanish. I am not sure that you would call it expensive or not, but I generally make sure to have a few bottles of Capçanes Peraj Ha’abib Flor de Primavera, Montsant available (along with the other lesser wines) for the wine geeks in the family.

It’s a terrific wine and well worth the $50 or so. They also have come out with an old vines Grenache (Flor del Flor), an old vines Samso/Carignan, and have just today released a Pinot Noir.

Nice to know. Interesting story on how they got into the “Kosher wine business” if you look it up.

It’s become a somewhat commonplace story. The winemaker I work with is French-Catholic and was a consultant for a kosher gig. He was disappointed to see the quality of the fruit, as he knew the vineyards that the grapes were being sourced from, and clearly the kosher run was being made of the scratch and dent pile. He thought he could make an excellent wine from his family’s vineyards under kosher supervision. His first kosher vintage was actually listed in Spectator’s top 100 wines of Bordeaux 2005, and the rest is history.

thank you very much, very interesting.

Andrew, thanks for all the great info you’ve provided. I’m going to make a point of it to pick up some of that Capçanes for Rosh Hashanah next month.

Just had the 2013 Capcanes last night. Found it to be overripe.

Maybe just a face palm [snort.gif]