Mike on Tour--OC, Feb 16

That sounds fine, thanks Andre. Jay, hope you can make it, along with all others here or that I’ve reached out to. Rain or not, I’m looking forward to warmer weather.


If its Playground, count me in for sure.

Great, Jay

Sorry, misremembered, it’s Robin Miller I was thinking of, not Robin Stark, but she’s busy that night.

I’ve let Juyuan know about the thread.

I may bring a 2010 San Polo Brunello if weight is OK in the luggage, but may just as easily pick something up from K&L in Hollywood—I have to stop there anyway in the afternoon.

Mike Grammer’s OC Tour:

Playground DTSA
220 E 4th St, Ste 102, Santa Ana, CA 92701
6.15 PM

Mike Grammer
Andre Mulyono
Dennis Callahan
Norma Callahan
Jay Selman
Jason Hagen (tentative)
Gerry Frayer (tentative)

Playground is great!