latest wine in the cargo hold?

Awaiting Berserker Day 2018 champagne.gif

Pelican cases work

What is the situation with resealing after they inspect? Hopefully they use enough shipping tape?

I’ve had no problem checking wine on AA and UA - either in a styro shipper/WineCheck or packing in bubble wraps, compressions bags, or even socks in regular checked luggage. I don’t always take a wine shipper when traveling internationally (always have a compression bag and sealed baggies), but nice to still be able to bring back a bottle or two. TSA or someone else always opens them and puts in a flyer that they looked.

Once our only option was a cardboard wine carton from a producer in the Loire that we packed with bubble wrap we bought at Leclerc and then had it wrapped in one of those plastic luggage wrap machines at CDG. I was most nervous with this one, but made it through fine - although the plastic wrap from the CDG airport was a bit mangled by TSA. I wouldn’t recommend it - but in a pinch.

Todd, I know you had a falling out with the VinGarde Valise people because you posted about it and you no longer sell their products. But I am not sure why you brought up the ISTA rating because that testing is for packaging certification and not for luggage. The fact that the Wine Check has been rated safe for travel is a testament to the excellent design of the Wine Check. Luggage however, is not considered packaging and not eligible for ISTA testing as far as I can tell. The absence of ISTA certification is irrelevant. I simply shared my own experience with the product after 2 1/2 years of use with three different versions of the case. Accidents can and do happen. Luckily I have not experienced one.