JZ wants more of your money...

When I saw the subject line, I thought that this was going to be about Finger Lake wines…

Mods, please merge this joke with the previous one above.


Even alcohol isn’t an excuse for racist trash.

He cannot get more from me because I’ve never given him any.

No, but being a racist is.

Hi Dennis,

I’m pretty sure you’re the guy who has repeatedly linked to a website that admonishes people who say stuff online that would get them, as you have put it, “punched in the face” in real life, not to do it. This post makes me think you should go back and read it again, except that most of the black people I know would read your post, roll their eyes, and chalk you up to being one more ignorant person passing through their life as they went about it. Would you do a racist caricature of a black person talking in a room full of people you didn’t know?

I’m sure your knee-jerk response will be to say “lighten up,” but there comes a point where the problem isn’t that some people are too sensitive, it’s that you’re completely unaware of how badly you’re coming off to a lot of the world.

Yes Jim, that was the Dennis who tried to get people to be more civil. He’s gone now, and has been replaced with a more Berzerker-esque style.

And Jim - I’m not racist. I’ll take a shot at anyone, regardless of their nationality, religion, height, weight, profession, or skin color to make a joke. If you don’t find it funny, you’re free to voice your opinion as you have.

Frankly, my interpretation of the rules are as long as you don’t threaten physical violence anything is game because that’s what I’ve seen here. I’ve also seen a lot of people who are looking to stretch anything into something they’re offended by. In response to how the rest of the world perceives my comments, I used to care about such things but not anymore, and in part I have this place to thank for it!

It’s your (and other long time Berserker’s) world, I’m just posting in it.


I’m far from perfect, but I try to be a better person each day, both here on WB and in real life (I don’t separate my online “persona” from who I am all that much - even if I live in flyover country, I encounter plenty of wine people here for the first time and IRL soon after), and I don’t consider other people’s failings an excuse or justification for my own failings and bad behavior.

I do think people are sometimes way too quick to take offense here - we saw an example of that last night in that thread about misunderstood white grapes. I don’t think that applies in this case, as your shot isn’t really directed at an individual here - you’re taking shots an entire category of people, and the joke itself just ain’t that funny.

Anyway, just saying perhaps you should consider old you’s advice. Happy 4th.

Jim, I wish more members were as tactful as you. Thank you for the well worded post. Happy 4th to you as well!