If I could only visit one culinary destination in Europe, it would be Galicia

While not quite in the same league (or even close, perhaps) as Sarah’s experiences, one of my favorite food experiences in Spain was at a Galician food festival in Madrid- Lots of super fresh and traditional Galician treats including razor clams, pulpo y patatas, etc and very very inexpensive and delicious Albarinos. A good night.

Peter - Sorry, I haven’t kept good track of what we’ve had to drink, and many have simply been the house albarino, but I will try and put together some names from pictures. No clue which, if any, are available in the US, but I bet Winesearcher knows. :slight_smile:

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for taking the time to document your experiences with such life and flavour. Galacia is now on our list to visit and I will try to add to your post when we do so.




Thanks for taking the time to write up your travel adventures. I refer back to your Japan posts from time to time and am always struck by the fact that they could have been written by a native. Thanks again.

Beautiful descriptions Sarah. Makes me want to plan the trip right now.

Thanks! That’ll be fun. Whenever you have a moment, no hurry.

Sounds wonderful though I’m wary of eating in any country that put sugar in their gefilte fish (I’m 1/4 Litvak so that’s an obligatory Galitzianer put down).

Yeah, but there’s Galicia and there’s Galicia :wink: …(at least that’s what I think, I’ve never been clear about any connection other than the name)

I think one of them has a lisp.

You mean Galithia and Galitztia? :slight_smile:

Had a similar experience in a restaurant outside of Girona a couple of days ago. http://www.bo-tic.com

Maybe not quite as rustic but very small. Out in the farmlands with just stellar service and food for an extremely reasonable price. Not very conveiently located but really wonderful.
