Halćon Offline #2 - Sat 10/21 Fires be damned! It’s still on.

Brian, I’m sure you are aware of Peggy’s wine preference. Please do not be offended if we bring a bottle for her. My guess is that she will not drink more than a glass or two. So, if others have a similar preference, there will be some available. I can also easily bring a box of 8 Schott-Zweissel stems that I bought at Costco. Maybe not as fancy-schmancy as some, but, since they are still in the box, they are easy to toss in the car, and at the Costco price I am not worried, at all, about breakage. To those who don’t know me, sadly, after a couple glasses, I can become somewhat animated and start talking with my hands.

Brian, Peggy would like to bring something for dessert. The odds are very high that it will include chocolate. Would that be OK?

Of course it would. White wine will also be available but bring what you enjoy.

Wes, sorry you can’t make it. Next time!

Since Wes is not coming does anyone have a lead on the following wines?

'14 Rhys Alesia Halcon -

'15 Von Holt Halcon -

'15 Waxwing Halcon -

While I was passing through St Helena on my route today I paid my weekly visit to ACME Fine Wines to see what was new. I mentioned the Halcon offline and Erin said “We have someone pouring a Halcon Syrah in the back. Let me introduce you.” I’m thinking, who could it be? I go in back and it turns out to be a guy who once dated my Daughter. He says, “Hi Brian, it’s Anthony.” Small World indeed. Anyhow I’m picking a couple bottles of his A. Viloria Halcon Syrah for the offline.

Rhys and Waxwing have been handled. Working on the Von Holt.

Bump for updated OP and auction info

Brian, I’m not sure what wines I’m bringing (aside from the auction mag). Can you modify the OP to show what we’re supposed to bring? You’ve got around 23 wines listed for maybe a dozen people.

‘09 and ‘11 Copain and the Mag

Speaking to quantity of wines…kinda like La Paulee without many people there.

Last time we had 50+ wines for 22 people. I think we’re showing restraint!

In case you guys didn’t notice, Mr and Mrs Greg T are joining us! grouphug

Note: The auctions run until Sunday at 5pm PDT. Bargains still to be had.