FS: Rhone, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Clos Rougeard, Musar, Donnhoff, Torbreck - PRICES INCREASED

One must wonder why Dr. Jura ever purchased Torbreck Grenache.

Prices have now been increased, as threatened. I’ll probably do it again next week. Also updated for sales.

this is funny…clicked on the thread for the first time because I was interested…now I must pass because I’m being penelized for not looking at CC in the past couple of weeks…

I will wait for higher prices–don’t want to buy cheap wine.

If I buy more than 1 bottle can I get a price increase?



Never heard of a “bump, increase” before.

Have to adjust for inflation, obviously.

Wine doesn’t sell so let’s increase the prices…am I missing something here?

It’s Rougeard and Allemand, MarcF, so don’t be obtuse. Some have been sold, creating greater scarcity in the market, ergo, price goes up. I’m pumping Michael’s wines so we can have a big blow-out in DC. And BTW, MarcF, considering how much Michael has received, I need to ask for a credit based on my popping that 2005 Rougeard Le P with you. And the Allemand. No, Torbreck RR will not suffice . . .

I just wish Michael would have had this sale a few months ago when I could have simply walked the bottles form his locker 20 feet to mine.

If I knew he had these wines I probably would have broke out the bolt cutters

Caymus did it back when their wines were considered cool to own.

Updated for additional sales.

If anyone would like to pay higher prices than I have listed here, then just wait until the afternoon of December 12th, when prices go up again. If you request wine before then, you will have to pay the current prices, which are lower than they will be starting December 12th. Frustrating to have to pay such low prices, I know.

Michael - without naming names, will you let us know how your sales go? This is a fascinating pricing expirement!

Jud, I keep the first post updated fairly carefully, so you can see the completed and pending sales that way. Some sales have occurred since I’ve started to raise prices.

These are obviously incredibly cool wines! I am holding out for the next hike! pileon

MarcF brought '07 Caymus to one of the first times he was introduced to my wine group, they loved him for it, I loathed him for it. I found him odious, but with some potential. So I ruined him with Allemand. Now he is my little buddy. MarcF, step up and buy something for the good of the cause.

I will be friends with anyone stocked up on Allemand…especially studs like Alfert

I think Michael is privy to inside information that new, higher scores are going to come out for these wines on Friday morning. Hence, the corresponding price increases.
