Coravin Failure: My Liquid Farm Shower...

It was a $50 Liquid Farm this time, but could be a grand cru burg or first growth next time. This does scare me. The condom protects you from flying glass (a very good thing) but it doesn’t resolve the issue of a lost bottle of potentially very expensive wine

With Pungo, the double chamber needle allows wine to flow out while the Argon is being released into the bottle. It’s not pressurizing a closed wine bottle. Indeed, because you tip the bottle on its side to use Pungo to pour a glass, the pressure at the bottom of the bottle would be slightly lower than when the full bottle was upright.


it works under low pressure. Preservation is excellent. I have been trialling one for weeks. Really like it. There are several threads on the board.

What if I want a different glass of wine on night two? Or three?

Then you can use one of the stoppers that come with the Pungo. If you really plan to access more than three bottles at a time, then either extra more stoppers or stick with the Coravin (at least as an individual consumer who probably isn’t interested in buying multiple Pungo devices, which seems like a great option for wine bars, restaurants, etc.).

Given that it happen immediately as soon as I touched the trigger, I suspect it would have happened with any device that adds positive pressure to the bottle.

Neal, I find that I mostly use it to open a nice bottle mid-week instead of a mediocre bottle I don’t care about wasting 1/2, and still open my really nice bottles as I would normally. My average price coravin bottle is probably right in the 40-60$ range, so breaking a $400 first growth isn’t a concern to me.


Don’t live in fear. The Coravin is the greatest thing since I don’t know what, but I KNOW i’m drinking better wine daily than ever before without any incidents.


I don’t get the wasting half a bottle/pouring wine down the sink part; I only drink part of a bottle with dinner a few night of the week, and I’ve had great results decanting the remaining wine into smaller bottles (500ml, 375ml, 250ml) right up to the top, either cork or screwcap, then keep cool until the next time you want that wine. I might have two or three different wines at a time in the wine cave or refrigerator, and they all show none the worse for wear when I go back to them.

Braggart. champagne.gif

Somewhat off topic, but Tom Hill is always criticizing us because the codpieces we make for him are much too small – they just don’t fit.

Not sure this is the same or different than the problem with the Turley bottles.

I only tried that a few times with mixed results, granted I may have waited too long (week or two). Sounds like an awesome system you have though!

How does one get the koozie…I bought a corvain at release but never received any kind of add on after the fact.

Jay, I have one of those “air pumpers” in the drawer that I bought 20 years ago. I stopped using it shortly after buying it because I heard stories of bottles shattering due to the increased pressure. This is the primary reason I haven’t bought a Coravin. The same issue can arise.


You should probably contact them, I got an email from them explaining what was going on and not to use the Coravin until I received the band aid from them. I received the package from them about 2 months ago.

Fascinating experience.

Thanks for posting about it.