CellarTracker Price - Do you including shipping and/or tax?

all in landed cost to my house divided by 1.08 to give me an equivalent price, pre-sales tax.

in other words… do what you want… b/c not everyone is aligned, and no one really cares.


So you collect sales tax when you resell wine? Do you then file a return with the State Board of Equalization?

+1 - It’s about what the total cost to me is. Not what I got it for before tax and all other expenses into the cellar.

This is the same issue i have with CT values. They list our combined price average but then someone buys a bottle at auction for a gavel price $20 lower and all of a sudden my CT value drops. Yet i know that there is the extra 15-25% house fee on top of the gavel price. Then sometimes tax and finally shipping. Still, CT will only show the Gavel price.


When you guys win a bottle at auction, do you put in your final bid price or a different number?

I enter the base price in the price box then add in any shipping or tax charged in the bottle notes box below.

Bottle cost only. For Wine Bid purchases I add their markup but those are not that frequent and it is to me part of the bottle cost.

He’s saying if there’s a bottle that retails for $50 but costs $60 with shipping and tax, you will lose money if you sell it for $55.


I asked because I honestly thought there was an “approved” best practice but based on the replies so far it is 10 for just base cost and 11 for all in so I guess not.

The auction prices on CT include the buyers premium.

I just enter the price I paid, less the cents…not tax, shipping. I will add commission to the price from auctions…and I will subtract 9% when I buy from states that don’t charge tax.


I understand what he is saying. Good luck making a profit on every bottle of wine you buy at retail and then resell, tax and shipping is profit for the reseller in my mind. It just seems unrealistic to me.


I enter the price to get the wine into my cellar, every penny spent in the process to cross the cellar door. If CT had the ability, I’d give it an accretion function, force the price up by 5% or so annually to account for the cost of carry, insurance, storage costs, etc. What else could cost mean?

Those that only put the cost of the bottle in, and not all costs to get the wine in your cellar, what if you got a great deal on a bottle of wine, but that bottle was located on Mars, and it cost $1,000,000 per bottle to get it into your cellar. What would you do?? Say 2005 La Tache was $.01 per bottle on Mars, all you want. What price would go in your CT database? $.01 or $1,000,000.01?

I never put in price. Once I’ve purchased a wine, I no longer care about the price I paid. If I want to sell, the price I paid is irrelevant to the amount for which it can be sold.

Well let’s talk reality. Shipping usually runs less than $40 on a case. So we’re splitting hairs aren’t we.

Can’t afford the shipping. Moot point.
When you buy a house what do you tell people the purchase price was? The sale price or the 30yr amortized price?

Freud would describe this thread as anal retentive versus anal expulsive.