A distant cousin of caprese, the Chilean salad, is tomato, onion, parsley, lemon juice, and olive oil.

I know it will be a horror for some of you, but I mix in some stone fruit, with my tomatoes. Plums and pluots are really good if the have some tartness in the skins.

I hate you so much.

G-D DAYUM son! [snort.gif] (see what I did there with your nemesis, Mr. Pig?)

I do not add vinegar. I just use olive oil, s&p, and basil. Works for me.

OTOH, I do not find it an impeachable offense if others do.

And this:

looks great. I would not toss this out of bed for eating crackers.

And another thing:

We just got back from vacation at Lake Garda. We had a hotel with kitchenette, so we did some at home meals. One included the most simple caprese imaginable (lack of some basics and such). Tomatoes from the farmer’s market, good mozz, good oil, and just salt.

It was ridiculously deelish.

Oh come on. You don’t want vinegar, fine, but it most certainly has a place.

Have you ever had a perfect caprese with an aged balsamic and a quality Brunello? Believe me, the combo can blow your hair back and the balsamic plays no small part.

Now give me my wine! :slight_smile: