Buy your Wine Berserkers Lapel Pin HERE! Show your Berserker Pride! (SOLD OUT!)

I only sold about 18 at the Berserkerfest and think I gave you the net 82, plus I gave four to Pobega as his artist fee. Plus a few for me so I probably have close to 40 left myself because I ordered 150 when you said 100.

My order in!
Great idea!
Ty Jay and Todd!

Why only on a shirt?

found wifi and order in for 2!


I knew this was coming… neener [cheers.gif]

In that case, thanks for nothing Todd! Excellent work Jay and Mike! But seriously, nicely done on the pin. I had a feeling there would be a ton of support for this idea despite some of the rhetoric on the origin thread.

Sold on 100% sexy.

Got my order in for two.

Thanks for grabbing 1 for me! :slight_smile:

Was worried I’d be too late, but looks like I’m in for 2…

Order in!

I haven’t even counted the total yet, but might be close to selling out of the first 100 - sheesh.

International shipping?

No solution yet, but several have ordered from other countries, so I’m not yet sure how I will deliver them…

Should I place an order?

I’d rather you not, as I don’t have a solution yet - waiting on the padded envelopes and will be checking on how much postage is to other countries

Have you checked I think you can print postage and ship internationally from that site.

OK. Please save one for me.

Yes, of course, but have to wait until I get the padded envelopes and get the exact weight to determine postage to each of the countries…