Backlash brings return of MSG

I have a terrible allergic reaction to MSG. It is all GI based and it is not pretty. My father has the same problem but my kids do not as best we can tell.


It’s fermented and refined. I’m not sure what the salmon analogy brings to the table


Exactly. Refined being the key word here. Saying a naturally occuring compound in a product and its refined version are one and the same is crazy talk to me.

“It does not matter how it is produced.” WTH ?!? Would you say that of any product?


MSG=massive thirst and drowsiness for me.

Many years ago I nearly passed out at CBGB after eating Chinese in NYC.

Once again I notice that most of the world pays no attention to the American (and European?) problem with MSG. I bought a package of Bacalaito mix, also Goya. I wanted the taste of salt cod without messing with buying and soaking the actual product. When I was preparing the cod fritters I read the label. MSG again.

And I found my old can of Accent. Kind of a funny story about that – some years back I had a neighbor, a Harvard educated English teacher who toked up from time to time. He read the blurb on the Accent container which basically said that it brings out the flavor of whatever you put it on – so he was thinking it would make strawberries taste more like strawberries, tomatoes taste more like tomatoes. So he sprinkled some on his tongue – and was astonished to realize that his tongue tasted like – TONGUE (as in, from the deli). He was really excited about this. Of course deli tongue is a very “umami” flavored meat, and he wasn’t actually experiencing the weirdness of his tongue tasting itself, he was just tasting the “umami” flavor of the MSG.

I was half asleep but I think NPR did a story on this on Morning Edition today…

Oh I feel a headache coming on… [snort.gif]

The point being that it is a chemical compound. H2O is water no matter how it comes to be. MSG or C5H8NO4Na is the same MSG regardless of how it comes to be. You cannot compare this to corn fed vs grass fed beef or farmed vs wild fish.