Anyone tried d'Artagnan green circle chicken?

Thanks Wilfred, good to have another trusted opinion.

Just bought one at Fairway on Broadway and W74th. $5.49/lb. Will air dry in the fridge and roast and report back

was buying 5 for $123 and they wanted about $75 for shipping. Forget it.

Damn that’s good chicken. That will be my regular bird as long as it is in the meat case at my regular store.

the discount on 5 was $127.49 and shipping to NY was $29.99. I ordered.
Needed 2 birds for next weekend and the rest will get vacuum sealed and frozen.

15% off sale on all poultry including Green Circle chickens and Rohan ducks on the website.

I’d jump on it but our freezer is full.

Wish I hadn’t stumbled across this thread. It is going to cost me money.

Besides the obvious head and feet and about $20, is there any difference between the two Green Circle birds on the website?

The heritage birds are older 180 days and have more chicken flavor.

I ordered some of the frozen heritage birds. I like them but didn’t think they were better than my farmer’s market chicken, which to be fair is really good. Haven’t tried the non-heritage birds. Will probably order them to try.

My fresh heritage green circle chickens arrived yesterday and I did a simple pan roast (Marcella Hazan’s recipe) for the first one. Flavor wise I found the chicken itself very similar to the regular green circle. I.e., delicious and several cuts above most grocery store chickens.

What surprised me though was the pan juices. Far more than I’ve ever gotten before and they came together in a gravy with no need for any thickener. I’ve never seen that happen before, and it was delicious - full of chicken flavor.

Roasted a heritage bird last night, I gave it a little less time than usual and it needed a lot less. Got overdone despite cutting my usual cooking time by about 10 minutes.

Jay, you can buy them at Kings supermarket for less than mail order and you don’t have to buy 6 at a time.

The heritage birds? I know the regular Green Circle chickens are available in a few places.

No Jay. Just the regular.