Allen Meadows, Burghound.

Because, of course, this wine board, and the wine world generally, is just bursting at the seams with humble types. God forbid Maureen introduce a little ego into that self-deprecating, self-effacing milieu.

I’m sure Maureen could give a proverbial rodent’s behind as to how she might make her posts more attractive to you. Your post reeks of sexism – right down to your final paternalistic advice about how to be a good winner.

Well that’s about what I expected. It has absolutely nothing to do with sex and all to do with tone, to say otherwise is baseless and cheapens the accusation.

Who cares? If you interpret Maureen as being abrasive, that’s on you. Don’t have a go at her because she’s offended your highfalutin sensibilities. You opened yourself up to this sort of attack by chiming in and telling her “Being a good winner is important”. Quibbling about her method of communication does little other than attempt to cheapen her message, at least from my perspective.

I for one am very pleased that Maureen is doing this work and sharing her experiences with us. And a tip of the hat to Victor too, I was unaware of Meadows continuing involvement with AMC until this tread. I had erroneously assumed he would have turned his back on them years ago given what went down…

I beg to differ. It is of extreme importance. And there are plenty of facts.

I like Allen Meadows, he introduced me to my first experience with DRC many years ago, and he always came across as both humble and highly knowledgeable.

However, he was also an enabler of Rudy and Kapon. The ethical thing to do would be to separate himself from both as soon as the fraud was evident. Instead, he took the money.

You suggest that there are only two alternatives: continue to work with Acker or give up his career. I call BS on that. His career doesn’t depend on Kapon. He is an author and a prolific writer of Burgundy tasting notes with a substantial subscriber base. If he continues to be bankrolled by Kapon, the wine public has a right to know and those fighting wine fraud have a responsibility to call him out about it.

Evidence of such, please? Thank you.

All. Can we lose the many personal attacks that are happening in this thread. They always cheapen the argument behind them.

A personal criticism is a personal criticism. I find it hard to see it as any more than that here. Where is the sexism? Implied? How can you be sure?

This is somewhat reminiscent of the premier cru thread in that the guilty will have defenders until the ship has finally sailed - I’m sure there is someone still out there that thinks OJ is innocent because the glove didn’t fit.

I personally find the posts by Maureen very informative.

Seriously? This is from the web and not even a picture of you. At least be honest with your sarcasm.

I’m not sure what is defined as “winning”. Acker is bringing in millions in commissions, and Kapon and company are getting richer every year. Gil is out there selling wines from a “Swedish Nobleman’s cellar”. Hardy Rodenstock is free and living the good life. Wine fraud is rampant. People deny that it is a problem.

There is a lot less profit in exposing wine fraud than there is committing it. A couple of battles have been won, but the war is far from over. Until it is, humility doesn’t really have a place in the conversation. Fierce advocacy does.

Also, i think it is important to note that wine critics are instrumental in the fraudster MO. Virtually every substantial wine critic has been caught up in some way to one of the many scandals out there. The questions that need to be asked are: a) what steps does a critic take to maintain his/her independence?; b) what actions does a critic take once they suspect a fraud?; c) what actions does a critic take when a fraud has been exposed?

Well said, Maureen

David- excuse me but how many “facts” do you need? All the depositions, court records, all of Allen’s revisionist rewrites of Rudy bottles during and after Rudy’s arrest and conviction. The best way to remain a wine expert…never attend a blind tasting.

Mr. Meadows:
Have you ever published tasting notes of the wines which Rudy Kurniawan or John Kapon presented for auction?
My understanding is that you attended such auctions, and perhaps coinciding bidder events. Thank you.

Contact Us
Due to Allen’s travel and writing schedule, he is not able to reply to all emails. Therefore, please contact Erica Meadows at for customer service and other inquiries such as account/subscriber issues/questions; potential speaking engagements; wine sample submissions, etc. While you may call at 818.345.9030 (California; country code 1), note that calls are not returned while traveling – although emails are! You are assured a much faster response via email.
We try to reply to all inquiries promptly.

Victor- Can you please amend the first post to include links back to the Kapon thread where this was posted so that people can see the context in which this was written? (And some of the public docs & excerpts that were included.)
I think that would make much more sense to some readers who think this is a comment out of left field, which it was not.

Hi all,

Let’s try and keep this thread on topic. Greatly appreciated.

Please note correction of a typo: Kapon pulled the lots when informed Ponsot was in the room.


I know Maureen from way back and though we haven’t seen each other in years, she always struck me as an ethical and generous person. I also find her posts very informative.