30,000 bottles of allegedly fake wine seized in Taiwan

i think the likes of rudy and hardy would actually be atypical in the world of fake wines… weren’t there numerous busts in Europe even after the rudy things? in fact, i would guess that most counterfeiters want to play in the cheaper market because the consumers are likely to be less educated.

millions upon millions of bottles of Dom Perignon/Cristal are produced a year. That’s why you see them at every costco/supermarket you go into

Buy local, buy direct, no worries.

I’ll try.

Given how those sales-people follow customers that walk in to browse and will immediately sales-talk you when they see your eyes lingering a tad longer than normal on an item, it might prove to be a challenge to take photos.

It’s a department store set up where there’s usually bunch of them standing grouped together in different areas of the store and once you walk in, somebody’s always bound to approach you.

When I’m in Hong Kong I see DRC for sale pretty much everywhere, no matter how small the store. I assume 90% of it is fake.

I was here at Taipei Airport/Shopping-Mall 2 months ago when Duty Free and other private stores had shelves-after-shelves of shiny Bordeaux on sale. Today, I’m back, and I only see 1/2 shelf with a handful of no-name Bordeaux. That reported bust of the fakes looks to have an impact on local sales.

It’s not just fine wine. I bought a bottle of high-end single malt scotch at the duty free in Seoul, and it wasn’t even drinkable. Not sure what they bottled it with but it was probably a health hazard (I mean, more so than regular alcohol).

^ this is even more concerning to me than the fake wine when I travel to asia… your amber liquors are packed wall to wall in every asian airport’s duty free shop and I’ve been more than tempted to pick up some harder to find Hibiki and other Japanese whiskeys. Now I’m not sure I should next time.

Well, I’m glad they store them so the corks don’t dry out.

Yet another person in the trade trashing Premier Cru. Don’t like competition???

I uploaded the photo from iPhone right after snapping the photo at the airport and it looked right-side up when I previewed, but was upside-down after I submitted. I tried to fix but can’t figure out how.

In any case, almost all the bottles that I see, Bordeaux or otherwise, that are being sold in the airport are standing up.

Continuing Thread Drift- I have found more and more duty free liquors to be weird “exclusive to duty free” type bottlings. It’s almost like they are dumping their excess or lesser barrels on the duty free market. Macallan seemed to be one of the first to do this.