Hi All!

Welcome! Delighted to have you here, and thanks for introducing yourself

Welcome Ansel!

What are your favorite Greek wines?

Takanis, and welcome.
Translation > hello.

cultural learnings of america make great benefit glorious nation of greece

Welcome Ansel.

This thread just got even funnier!!!


Had a feeling this would happen

Where did Ansel go?


He was dismissed, along with his partner in crime, Samavia. They worked for the same company, or may have even been the same person.

Banned from WB? They did seem a little odd–couldn’t really tell where they were coming from, tho.

Hooked on Phonics?

Told you so…

They had similar avatars, similar writing style and both linked to the same travel tour company website. That and they responded to each others posts. It was pretty funny.

You’re so innocent. [snort.gif]

At least you can atone tomorrow.

I said it, it was wrong, I apologized to my family and the American people, but what I said was not nearly as bad as what Ken V has done. Mine was just Asylum forum talk. Guys do that.

Nice thread you started, Neal

Just as long as your wife doesn’t show up wearing one of these.