Looking on the SNCF website for TGV’s from Bordeaux to Paris. They have trains on their schedule called iDTGV’s for less than half the price of a TGV. The travel time is the same as regular TGV’s and what little information you can find on their website says that if anything it’s nicer than a TGV and you can choose from a "Zen"train car or an “activity” train car. Sounds too good to be true, does anyone know what is he difference between these 2 trains systems. iDTGV is supposedly a private company so maybe this is like the former TED of United airlines

Nope, idTGV is the same level of service as trains operated by the sncf. Actually even better. Definitely go with this if possible.


Not surprised to see that ‘The man in seat 61’ has a good piece on these

Ha! looking this up prompted me to read the ‘about me’ and it turns out Mr Smith is a fan of Chateau Musar!