Broadway Shows for Kids?

Heading to NYC next month with the family.

Does anyone have Broadway show suggestions that are kid friendly?

Also, if anyone has any ticket hookups I would very much appreciate the help!

Ages? Boys/Girls?

Daughter - 7

Oh my… Blue Man Group, Lion King, Aladdin. All great. I sincerely hope your daughter enjoys any of these shows as much as my daughters did.


I’ll start there! I also saw Finding Neverland. Any feedback on that show?

Just saw Matilda with my 8 y/o daughter in L.A. Awesome show. It gets my highest recommendation. My daughter loved it, and so did me and my wife. Great for adults and kids. Just a spectacular musical. This is my #1 rec for your 7 y/o daughter especially if she read the book.

I think we now have a good list to choose from. I will definitely be seeing one of them.

Neverland was fantastic. I think a 7 year old would enjoy it. It was a little dark. There were kids in the audience and kids in the show. Music and scenery would keep her attention. I think Matilda would be lighter for her. Look into King and I. Lots of kids like Wicked. As far as tickets…we get ours at the box office. If you have a friend in New York that can pop into a box office, that is the way to go. Last week we walked past Matilda when it was letting out from the Wednesday matinee. Lots of young girls waiting by the stage door.

Saw it this Sat. and loved it as did all the kids in the audience. The little girl lead is astonishing!

I think Matilda is the one we will shoot for, although it does seem to be counter productive to see it on Broadway when its playing 10 min from my place in LA! lol

Tickets purchased for Matilda.

Thanks to all for the recommendation.

Matilda was FANTASTIC! Great recommendation.