Maybe you can go home again, food memory

Like most here, I think I do pretty well as a home cook/chef, I’d like to think I can sous vide and duck confit with the best of them.
For some bizarre nostalgic reason though, for Wednesday night we had good old fashioned Manwich, topped with a slice of American cheese for good measure, to complete this delight was fried taters with okra (might be a Texas thing) anyway one bite and I was transported back in time just like in the movie Ratatouille, it was kind of a neat experience.
Share your own, if you have any.

I never did Manwich but homemade sloppy joes are still delicious on toasted sesame buns.

For me it’s the Swansons’ Fried Chicken TV Dinner (though they aren’t called TV dinners any more).

I buy it about 4x a year and it never fails to take me back to my childhood when it was a rare and delicious treat.

My mom used to make tuna noodle casserole. The recipe was cooked egg noodles, a can of tuna fish and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Bread crumbs (or bonus for crumbled up Doritos) on top and baked. I devoured the stuff as a kid. I made it once when my wife was pregnant. She promptly vomited after eating it and now I’m not allowed to make it.

Yes, or even better yet toasted and buttered English muffins.

I used to eat those as a kid too. on a TV table. Never ate the peas and carrots back then. Just the mashed potatoes and the 2pcs of chicken

Ooooh, fancy!

Did you at least finish the cheese on the manwich with your searzall just to get fancy points?

Does anyone actually eat cream of mushroom soup in a bowl? I feel like it only exists for a casserole agreement.

My mom’s was the soup poured over boneless skinless chicken breasts, served over rice. The chicken was always drier than hell, but the rice was good soaking up the greasy soup!

chicken tonight.

Tim, you should make this and bring it tonight, you know, for the “pets”. [snort.gif]

For me, it’s a tie between grilled cheese and devilled eggs.

Does anyone actually eat cream of mushroom soup in a bowl? I feel like it only exists for a casserole agreement.

I loved it as a kid. In a bowl, made as soup with milk mixed in.

I also realize it was the key to dreadful meals starting around that time. I used to say the clues in a kitchen to quickly seeing that someone doesn’t really cook include:

A spice rack with matching, dusty, unused spices.

No real towels.

Recipes start with a can of Campbell’s.

My mom did a variant of this, except the chicken breasts were rolled and each was wrapped with a slice of pressed beef on the bottom and with a slice of bacon on top. By wrapping it in meat, it kept the chicken from drying out and the bacon fat basted the chicken as it cooked, kept the top moist, and crisped up. The overall combination wasn’t bad at all.

I don’t make them myself, but when I go home to Detroit, it’s 2 Coney Islands that rings my bell

No one makes their own Coney Islands in Detroit champagne.gif