Uses for beef fat (tallow)?

Made some amazing short ribs on Tuesday night in the slow cooker. They rendered a LOT of fat. I scooped all the liquid into a couple of tupperwares and put in the fridge in order to separate the fat from the braising juices. So now I have two nice disks, a couple of inches thick, of pure beef fat.

Oven roasted potatoes? Pan-fried asparagus? Something else?

what about the best pot pie crust you’ve ever had?

I often use elk tallow in gnocchi too

French fries!

I made some fantastic caramelized onions in rendered beef fat that I made from the extra fat I cut off a whole brisket last week. A++.

You can make a nice lining for your arteries from suet…

I don’t know about rendered beef fat but I have read that you can make the best tamales if you start out roasting a pork shoulder and then keeping the home rendered lard. Nice meaty taste that you don’t get for the store bought stuff.

If you melt in some bird seed and chill to solidify you’ve got some high quality winter bird feeder material.

steak and kidney pie
spotted dick and other sweet puddings
traditional fish and chips (english style) were fried in beef drippings
try frying potatoes in it
you can make a killer brown gravy

you can also make food for a bird feeder with beef fat if you none of the above sound good.

then shoot the birds, baste them in the leftover fat and enjoy.

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use in place of oil when grilling a steak :slight_smile: