Too good: 4 year old eats and reviews entire tasting menu at the French Laundry....

Lots of pics and she’s ADORABLE!

Thanks Roberto - this reminded me of when my daughter was that age and made me smile.

does a kid have to pay the full fare when they go? i assume so?

would have loved to read it but refused to provide my email just to do so

I had no such problems with that site. All you have to do is close that dialog box when it comes up.

Doesn’t seem to be a way to close it on a mobile device. Having trouble with phone and tablet.

Weird. I didn’t have a pop up on iphone

That’s precious, thanks.


Thanks for posting. Loved the photos and the line “One hopes the regret won’t be too deep when she Googles her name 20 years from now and realizes that she once passed up TFL caviar.”

Alan, worst case, you don’t have to provide YOUR e-mail, just a plausibly formatted e-mail you make up.

Sorry - but that is really terrible. Kid is very cute but that is it. I don’t see the point in the “review” except to say I took my 4 year old to FL and she ate the bread and dessert.


George, this may be too whimsical for you too but I loved it:

It isn’t even really a review, it’s more “let me document this kid eating at french laundry”. But I’m not going to be too critical on someone trying for hits on their site :smiley:

If you look at the bottom, they have taken numerous four year olds to various nice joints. It’s a meme (or is it a trope?) now…

Not a meme. It’s just a thing they do on their site.