LA Times on crafty Craft Brew marketing...

Are craft brewers crossing the line?

Article they are commenting on:

I’ll let you know as soon as I ask my mommy if it’s ok to go out into the big bad world that’s out there.

I sure hope my young children never find themselves alone in the supermarket beer aisle or local beer shop. They might just crap their pants with all the cool kiddie labels out there.

[head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif] [head-bang.gif]

Yeah, I thought he was a bit overboard.

His interpretation of the Hop Slam label shows he has an agenda: it’s about HOPS, not alcohol.

The author of the piece is way over the line when he claims that the labels appeal to children.
“Hop slam” obviously refers to being slammed by hops, not by alcohol. The one about promoting drinking and driving is even more of a stretch.

P Hickner
