Pub Sheds Trend

My backyard is too tiny, but I like the idea…

I’m a fan.

everytime I see these I always want to build one. Or when I’m looking through “home bar set up” stuff on beeradvocate I always want to put in a keezer for beer. Then I realize, none of my friend’s live within 15 miles of me and people come over twice a year at most.



We have a detached garage that we turned into a “bar.” The previous owners of the house had neglected the area so we decided to make some livable space out of it. We have a beer fridge, TV, PS3, arcade game, a table, an actual bar area, and some of my favorite album covers on the wall. The bathroom is the fence out back. It’s my home away from home…or behind my home I should say.

It seems like it would be more fun to design and build than actually use. I can see myself putting one up and then in a matter of weeks just deciding it’s easier to stay in the house and watch TV in the living room than to go outside and set up the bar.

I’m with you Nolan. I already have enough places to drink beer by myself because I’m busy watching the kids and my friends are doing the same.

Love that!