ScotchHunter: Trader Joe's has a 17 year Single Malt Scotch - $49.99

Great price for a 17 year Single Malt, and it actually tastes quite good!

how’s it compare to lagavulin 16? Costco usually has it for about $55 during the holidays

I have not hat Laguvulin 16 but in general I really like this, and all aged Scotches, as the peat is smoother, more integrated. This is pretty dark and rich for a Scotch, nice sweetness to it.

That’s a good price.

wow - not here! that’s stealing for one of my favorite scotches, period.

I’ve never seen it at that price - you sure, Charlie?

Charlie’s right. I get one yearly for a present to a Lagavulin enthusiast. Available at the ABQ Costco stores and the store in Palm Desert CA.

It usually is in their “coupon book” for the holidays. But I saw it in Los Angeles in September.

Well, I might have to pick up one of those, too!