In depth article on NATIVE American Hops from Smithsonian

Long read but lots of info:

“The first time I saw them, I thought to myself, ‘I want to do this project. We’re going to do this. It’s going to be done,’” Sierra Nevada’s Nielsen says. “So we got some samples in and we started brewing with it.” What Nielsen found was a beer with aromas and flavors completely different from anything he’d ever tasted, with strong, fresh, almost fleshy fruit notes and spicy layers. Moreover, Nielsen found that the beer had a different effect on its drinkers, something he wasn’t expecting. “I’m not saying it’s like you’re tripping on acid or anything,” he explains, “but you just felt a little different. It was beyond the regular beer buzz.”

PS: Don’t miss the video trailer at the bottom for “The History of the Electric Guitar” featuring G.E. Smith!