Wine Check Daytripper on woot

Wine Check Daytripper. Is this an original or discontinued version? Don’t see it on the Wine Check website. Looks like worth the money.

I was just about to post on this… I think it is the version on their website that is called Wine Elite or at least seems to be very similar. I’ve been thinking about something like this (have the 12-bottle wine check but if I am only traveling with a few bottles then I don’t use it) and so at $45 it seemed to be a no brainer - I bought one for me and one for my father. Though it is not mentioned on Woot, I am under the assumption that a 6-bottle shipper can fit inside (based on dimensions it should fit) - maybe I’m wrong but it looks like it should work for travel and checking on a plane just fine.

Says that the dividers are removable and that it fits “stock boxes”. So does sound like some version of the Elite, 12 bottles with dividers or a 6 bottle styro. Grabbed one.

Dayum, snagged one. Thanks for the heads up!

Stock box

That makes sense newhere

Question for those of you who have these. Can this model be checked on a flight? Would be ideal for bringing wines home on trips to CA, but curious if this is sturdy enough and padded enough to send wines back on the plane.

Not approved (by us, anyway) for air travel. What you do with it is up to you. The ‘real’ Elite is on our website, with myriad improvements, and approved/backed by us for air travel.

That’s about all I can say for now, but there’s a reason we let Wine.Woot sell them…

is this the one you gave me. [snort.gif]

I just used it for a plane ride. Was fine.

So this version sucked and you needed to dump them somewhere right? [snort.gif]

And as far as approved for air travel, all you need is a styro shipper. The rest is dressing.

I bought mine for local transport to and from offlines and such. Will be perfect.