Can't these guys just collude in violation of the antitrust laws?

I have offers today from Rivers Marie (Thomas Rivers Brown), Saxum (Justin Strider Smith) and Carlisle (Mike Officer). Why can’t they get together in secret and decide to put out their offers on different days so that my credit card does not take such a big hit all at once?

Rant over.

Back to work.

Wish I could receive personal solicitations from such esteemed wine makers. Must be nice to have those kind of connections. neener

I also like how the Fall Release season is now upon us in the middle of July. I know they’re competing for the same dollars and everyone wants to be first, but come on man!

Yikes. At least Rivers Marie is nice enough to spread their offers throughout the year so you don’t get hit with a dozen different bottles all at once.

And you’re about to start seeing Xmas stuff being put up and sales starting soon [snort.gif]