Is one ah-so opener better than the next?

With standard corkscrews, there can be a lot of variations: hinges, different materials in the handles, handle shape, quality of craftmaship, etc. In other words, good ones can be great, and bad ones can really suck. I don’t currently own an ah-so, but will be pulling some corks on some 1978s next year and want to buy one. Just like any product related to wine, there’s a whole slew of price ranges. I see fewer “moving” parts in an ah-so versus a corkscrew, so I’m wondering if there’s really much of a difference between the cheapies and the more expensive options. Thoughts or advice? I’d also love recommendations based on your favorites.

Yes. It’s called The Durand.



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While agree on screwpulls, I’ve never really seen a difference in ah-so’s. A quick check of Amazon indicates no need to spend over $10. If you like the $20 one posted above (looks very nice) go ahead, but I wouldn’t expect better performance.

On screwpulls though, I’d also note price is no indication of performance. I’ve seen some expensive ones where the hinge mechanism wasn’t very conducive to easy opening. When my wife was a server and opening A LOT of wine, she’d buy her own $5 version from a local kitchen supply place. They commented she must be a server because they all bought the same cheap double hinged version, because it worked.

I have both Durand and Monopol, I prefer Durand, so far pretty much guarantee the cork will be removed gracefully. In fact I always travel with one in my luggage. [cheers.gif]

I’ve had a couple of cheap ones, and sometimes the times are curved wrongly and they don’t go in well, then chew up the cork.

Ditto…I’m w/ Henry on this one. This Monopol model is the one to buy rather than cheaper models.
The cheaper models have thicker blades that can sometime push the cork into the btl on older
wines. The Monopol is made w/ high-quality hi-tensile maraging steel that is thinner but holds up well.
Occasionally, I’ll get a cork that is so firmly stuck in the neck that you can twist the Ah-So out of
alingment and warp it. So if I notice this happening, I back off and don’t force it.
I’ve no experience w/ the Durand.
As with buying new epee blades, you don’t want to skimp on getting quality steel.

Yep, for a straight ah-so, the Monopol is far better than most others I’ve used and easily worth the modestly higher price.


If you open old bottles frequently, invest in a Durand and don’t look back…

Agreed. An ah-so could very well push an old cork into the bottle. A Durand will get it out, every time.

Or just use a screwpull and a reasonable ah-so together, and feel smug about getting the same or better performance without spending the price of dinner. You can even call it a Durand if it makes you feel good, since AFAIK it isn’t patented.

I’ve seen people do it and I’ve seen it be less than 100% reliable.

The Durand isn’t 100% reliable either - I’ve seen plenty of failures. Plus, you can’t go in with the worm at an angle with a Durand. I stand by my position that the performance is at least as good, if not sometimes better.

Thanks, All. I didn’t really think about the thickness and durability of the blades, which is precisely why I asked the question. So, thanks! I think I’ll go with the Monopol, simply because I don’t open a significant number of mature wines with potentially weak corks, and can’t (in my mind) justify the price of the Durand. Great responses - thanks again.

There’s no reason you can’t screw in at an angle since the two pieces operate independently. It sounds like they were doing it wrong. Durand is the only opener I’ve never had an issue with. YMMV

I also love my Durand. Well worth the price IMO. But if you don’t want to spend the bucks then use Sarah’s method. It’s what I did prior to getting a Durand.

As already stated, Durand is the go to ah-so combo especially for older corks.

This. I have or had three Monopols (gifted one to my BIL) and they work great. Once in a while the cork will push
into the bottle but I use an original Screwpull to rescue the cork. My Ah-So are all branded made in “West Germany” so they also hold up well [wow.gif]

Has anyone tried the Rabbit ah-so?