6th Annual Post-IPNC Oregon Pinot Noir Throwdown

Now that we’re coping with the Dead of Winter (it’s frickin freezing here in PA), maybe a good distraction might be pondering a more pleasant subject…like Oregon Pinot Noir!

2016 will be the 6th year of the annual Post-IPNC Oregon Pinot Noir Throwdown, originally inspired by “Berserker Forever Bob Wood”, and carried forward through the years by a number of faithful believers and a curmudgeon or two. Every year a particular vintage is selected and the attendees provide 1500 milliliters of goodness to share with approximately 30 - 35 other primarily Berserker OR Pinot-heads along with a few ITBers and Winemakers.

Ian Burch, winemaker at Scott Paul, has kindly agreed to host the 6th Annual Throwdown at the Scott Paul Winery in Carlton: Monday, August 1st 2016.

This post is not yet the formal announcement of the event (which it might become in the future). Steven Miller has generously offered to provide organizational assistance again this year…and to that end…he’s prepared a survey about which vintage to choose. The choices made by prior attendees might be given unfair weighting…or none at all…so here’s the link to Steve’s vintage survey:

Which Vintage for the 2016 Throwdown?

The options provided are: 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010 or repeat 2007. Write in alternatives may be considered.

Cheers and happy voting. [cheers.gif]


My votes submitted.

Looking forward to it!
Vote submitted as well.


Thanks for the nudge, voted.

In like flint.

So what exactly are the requirements for participating in this event? I would absolutely LOVE to participate but fear I may not be qualified. (furnishing 1,500 mls of wine for any of the aforementioned vintages isn’t a problem)

Does that mean contains lead, or like Larry?

If it is appropriate to lobby for vintages, I would have a hard time putting together a pair of any 2001 or 2003, and even a harder time finding anything from those years likely to be enjoyable drinking.

P Hickner

Make sure you vote then!

But yea it’s lead, I want my wines to make me crazy. [highfive.gif]

2001’s are difficult for me as well, I have about 6 different bottles and they’re all kind of "special bottles that I don’t particularly want to give up.

I do have some amazing 2003 vintages though!

I think the 09’s are drinking really nice right now and it’s a tougher vintage where it takes some skill to make a really nice and balanced wine.

I voted. Can I opt out of listening to the primaries now?

I voted and I’m rooting for 2010 as starting to show well, easily sourced and an all around a nice vintage.

You mean things like…“All 2003s should be deported.” or “Supporters of a 2007 throwback are living in the past” or “That Pinots father might have been American, but what about the mother?..and are we sure it was born in Oregon? Where’s the certificate”?


In. And I have had a couple of beautiful 2001s recently.

Vote in. Pretty please, anything but '06!

I’d go along with that, and the '06s should at least be put in detention. I double checked, and I don’t have any duplicates of '01s.
I suspect for many that will be the case.

P Hickner

As we say in NJ, vote early and often! Just kidding RT, I assume we’re on our honor to vote only once?

We use machine learning fraud detection algorithms to not only root out duplicates but will add anyone you tries to the blocked list. :smirk:

Boy Richard I am with you! This winter is terrible. It’s freezing out here…well 40-45 degrees or so, but you know…chilly. Every damn day.

  1. I would beg another year or 4 before 2010s…

  2. Maybe we should have an 06 flight before the main tasting to "calibrate " the AFWE leaning of the group…

3)It’s been 5 years since we did 07s, and they are 10 years in. A perfect window for revisiting a shitty vintage.

However it pans out I am looking forward to it, and to seeing everybody.

Didn’t Bob Wood suggest long ago that we try these again at 10 years out?