Snakes about to become wine escape, terrorizing Chinese city...

Terrified neighbours fled their homes when a city was invaded by more than 150 deadly venomous cobras.

The snakes measuring between 20cm and 30cm - who were being kept by a distiller to make the ancient delicacy snake wine - had escaped into an alley in Foshan, a city in south-eastern Guangdong province of China, causing chaos.

“We had more than 100 calls in a few minutes,” said a police spokesman.

"They were popping up through cracks in walls, down gutters, out of drains, in alleyways and side-streets. Everywhere all at the same time.

  1. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I think I’ll stick with grape wine

  2. What is the outlook if they start to breed?

  3. You didn’t mention the scorpion wine, which I think looks even more alarming

I have seen a bottle of snake wine. It is fascinating stuff. Never tasted it however. Hate it these guys escaped.

20 cm = 7 3/4"

30 cm = 11 4/5"

Sounds manageable. Todd would just step on those motherf***ing snakes!

They’re poisonous and small enough that you might not notice them till it’s too late…

Even the snakes are neener !!!

I’ve tried it.

The taste is rather neutral, at first, then lingers…

Similar to:

  1. If you’ve ever chewed a Benadryl or prednisone tablet and can’t get the taste to go away.

  2. If you’ve ever barfed until you were empty, then barfed some more and got bile - that after-taste.

I am sure there is a lot of variability, but it had a lingering unpleasant taste after a somewhat sharp, high alcohol initial burn. The one I tried was very high proof, 140 or above.

Don’t drink the dregs either. The scales tend to become dislodged, float in the wine, and then get stuck between the teeth.

When I mentioned this to my wife she thought I was talking about this: Chef killed by severed snake head. Don’t step on them Jorge and Todd even if they are dead :slight_smile:.

The pictures of the bottles in that article are incredible.

I wouldn’t be standing so close to all those snakes in bare feet or even sandals.

Chinese food and drink (in China) has some CRAZY ingredients. Or, so I’ve read and heard.