a stock of Sherry

Brian G’s BLT thread inspired some thoughts about Sherry. I rarely buy it in spite of its great pairing with many foods. If I were to clear out enough cellar space for a case or two what are your recommendations?
I am fairly knowledgeable about the types but am looking for specific producers and bottles.

PS–sources would be helpful.

The wines of Navazos are special Scott. Seek them out.

And Bodegas Tradicion. I opened their VORS Amontillado last month (and drank it over a three week period) and it was outstanding.

I’m a relative Sherry newbie, but a N.V. Bodegas Grant Jerez-Xérès-Sherry “La Garrocha” Fino last week was an epiphany.

There are so many great wines at all price points.

My favorites/semi-regular buys:

Anything from Equipo Navazos other than the Cream Sherries (the only style I don’t really care for - I’m sure they’re a fine example of the category). They also make the only PXs that have wowed me, though for optimal drinking sample a bottle over the course of several months. They develop slowly with air. Now that I say that I wonder if the same might not have been true of the creams?

Valdespino Fino is inexpensive and great with a light summer meal

The entire line up of Alvear Montillas (not Sherry but same styles) - don’t let the low prices fool you. Though the 1927 PX you see all over the place is good but a bit simple for my palate.

I adore the Pedro Romero VORS Amontillado

I adore the Hidalgo Wellington VOS Palo Cortado. Brian G will tell you the VORS is much better but don’t believe him :slight_smile:

For splurge territory the Byass single vintage Sherries are amazing. Spanish Table currently has the 1982 Palo Cortado for $142.

Here’s a link to our most recent Sherry dinner (which has links to the previous dinners as well).

Straight up, grab virtually anything with a VOS or VORS designation if you can. I’m sure more experienced people here may want to steer you away from some brands, but I have personally never come across any bad ones from any maker yet.


  • Anything from Bodegas Tradicion. They only make VOS and VORS sherries. The Amontillado and Oloroso are coming to Ontario this month. Yay!

  • Lustau Soleras. Yes, Lustau is a big commercial sherry maker but they make excellent quality sherries at very affordable prices. Amazing QPRs, especially the half-bottles.

  • Gonzalez-Byass VORS half-bottle series – the Noe, Matuselem, Apostles and Del Duque . Absolutely incredible stuff and most are priced at $30 CDN or less a half-bottle. Amazing stuff and another great QPR.

I am very hesitant to buy entry-level sherries from any of the big makers. The few I’ve had have been very simple and uninteresting and CellarTracker notes on the ones I’ve not had say pretty much the same thing.

Emilio Hidalgo, especially La Panesa.

Valdespino-really well made and inexpensive for the $.

Fernando de Castilla- a bit more expensive but made in an ‘antique’ style, so they are a little more intense in each level.

I’ll echo the comments about Equipo Navazos - they’re amazing.

Valdespino’s En Rama bottlings when they come out are fantastic, but you should drink them right away.

Yes, those Equipo Navazos wines are among the best, and I think the best in some cases.

Keep in mind that most (not all) Fino is best soon after bottling.

Hidalgo and Lustau are widely available in the US -

Before you start buying blind, taste a few -

Hidalgo’s Manzanilla Sherry (La Gitana) and a good Fino should be your everyday sherries - and they frickin’ go with everything under the sun. The Palo Cortados and Amontillado sherries differ so much in flavor profiles, it’s good to purchase single bottle lots and taste through them to see what wets your whistle -

Thanks all!
Great recs