Breathometer - smartphone breathalyzer?

I was solicited by a friend of a friend today about Breathometer, obviously in the hope that I give up the database here for some potential sales, and saw all the ‘as featured on Shark Tank!’ (yawn) and ‘A Mark Cuban Company’ crap that they use to legitimize it, but nonetheless, I was surprised to see no mention about the product on the forum.

Anybody look at one or have one?

I saw them on CNBC as well. I think they’ll cool.

Then perhaps we should get WB-logoed versions, as apparently those are available. Co-branded breathalyzers?

Perhaps a Berserker Day special?

Good call!

Whoever posts the highest BAC at Falltacular should win a prize. Maybe a free ride home on Uber.

Cross marketing!

What happens with the data? A big paper trail of someone’s drinking habits can lead to undesirable things.

The falltacular winner would be in no condition to ride in the back seat of uber .

I’m also concerned about what happens to the runner-up.

Everytime I’ve looked into breathalyzers the question of accuracy comes up, and there appears to be a wide range. Might want to look into their accuracy prior to jumping in bed with them.

And we’ve got the perfect person to tell us about it - Andy Velebil, who has, among his jobs with the police department, the task of calibrating police breathalyzers…

I have one! Sadly, or maybe for better, haven’t used it much but it seems to work just fine.

Didn’t investigate the accuracy but the product seems legit. Makes you feel kind of nerdy in a good way, too.

Easier test. If it registers on any scale for TBone, we know it is faulty.

My wife just bought me a keychain breathalyzer. I tried it out after my cocktail the other night and blew x%, an hour later after my second, it was 0.5x%. so I wonder about accuracy too. It may be time to get something that is pro grade as it is getting close to tasting for the Napa Valley issue which means a lot of long days in wineries and on the road.

Along similar lines, London Mayor Boris Johnson has proposed using alcohol-detecting ankle bracelets to deter public drunkenness: London lager louts face ankle tags and threat of jail if they drink

I’m not sure how easily I could breathe into an ankle bracelet, especially if I had imbibed a few too many.

P Hickner

One of the greatest videos of ALL TIME

Did you remember to wait 20+ minutes after your last drink? If not, the breathlyzer will overread your BAC, based on the lingering presence of alcohol in your mouth.

Having said that, it’s highly likely a keychain breathalyzer (how the hell do you spell that?) isn’t going to be really accurate. Plus, they have to be recalibrated periodically. I think you have to spend $150+ to get one that gives fairly accurate readings, and more to get a truly accurate one.

Here was what Officer Andy (Velebil) wrote in a past WB thread.

andy velebil Posts: 2179Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:54 pmLocation: Los Angeles, CA USA

BACtrack breathalyzer

Post #3 by andy velebil » Thu May 29, 2014 5:27 am

Let me just say this again, I’ve said in other threads related to these. Any inexpensive PAS (Preliminary Alcohol Screening) device isn’t going to be as accurate as the real ones cops use. And you have to periodically accuracy-check/calibrate a PAS using a known solution to ensure it’s calibrated properly. If not, it can be way off.

You also have to administer it properly. Such as waiting at least 15 minutes from the last time you ate, drank, smoked, injested, etc.

While these will give you ball-park numbers, keep in mind they may be off by quite a bit.

If you’re interested in one that has stood up to years of legal scrutiny spend the $500+ on a real one from this company > > (no affiliation, but these are where most police departments get theirs from). Click on the Alco-Sensor tab, then on the “FIND OUT MORE” icon. Again, keep in mind you will still have to check it periodically with some expensive calibration items to ensure it stays accurate.